What’s New in Children’s Books?

NewBookStickersIf you follow our blog, you undoubtedly have a sense of calling to write for children and teens in the Christian market. Today, I want to encourage you to check out what’s new in children’s books. Keeping on top of that may include some things that surprise you, but they’ll be relatively simple additions to your writing journey.

Check out what’s new in Christian publishing for children.

  • Make a list of Christian publishers and check their new releases. You can do this easily by bookmarking their websites. Usually, new releases come out once a quarter, so add this task to your calendar and check four times a year.
  • Check with your local Christian bookstore owner. He or she can tell you what titles are new on the shelves, what titles are selling well, and what kinds of books customers request.
  • Keep track of new releases that win awards.

What’s new for children in the general market?

I don’t want to lose you at this point! You may be thinking that you solely want to write children’s Bible storybooks or devotionals. However, it’s important to know the topics and formats of popular general market books. Understanding children’s books in general will help you write engaging books that will draw children to read more.

  • Note the books that are in the Scholastic Book Fairs in local schools. You can do this online by reviewing the take-home order forms that elementary schools often send or by visiting a school book fair with a child in your family. Talk to the parents who work at the book fair. They can tell you which titles are popular with kids and have been re-ordered to fill requests during the book fair.
  • Visit general market publisher websites, checking for new releases.
  • Talk to bookstore owners. Ask them what’s new and what customers are looking for.
  • Spend time in the children’s section of the bookstore. Study the sections of the store and the prominent displays. Listen to young shoppers’ requests. Remember that grandparents are frequently those who purchase books for young readers.
  • Visit your local library. Look at the new-book displays. Talk to the children’s librarian, asking what’s popular and what kinds of books he or she wishes were available.

How do you keep abreast of what’s new in publishing? We hope you’ll share some of your ideas with the other readers here. Connect with us in the comments!


Carol McAdams Moore writes for children and youth in the Christian and general markets. A parent and teacher, she writes books that engage young readers in the Word of God. Check out her preteen devotionals from Zonderkidz—Dare U 2 Open This Book (for guys) and Just Sayin’ (for girls). Visit Carol’s blog at CarolMcadamsMoore.BlogSpot.com

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