The ABCs of Thankfulness in our Writing Life

The ABCs of Thankfulness in our Writing Life

It’s easy to be thankful for an agent’s representation or signing with a publishing house. But as we consider the ABCs of thankfulness in our writing life, let’s be more creative than that!

Here are a few ideas to get us started:

A – agents, whether those who represent us or those who teach in the industry

B – blog posts offering a wealth of knowledge from published authors, agents, & editors

C – conferences, both online and in-person, whether for a day or a week

D – developing our writing skills—a journey that never ends

E – editors who help us polish our work to be the best it can be

F – friends who support and encourage us

G – grammar (although most of us wish we had paid more attention in English class!)

H – heaven: the place we long for and write so that others will join us

I – the internet, which opens the whole world to us without us having to leave the house

J – Jesus Christ—the One who makes us thankful



M – memes about writing that make us smile

N – networking through social media, conferences, or over a cup of coffee


P – prayer: needed every day as we seek to share the words of our heart

Q – questions we ask of ourselves, fellow writers, and our readers

R – readers of our blog posts, our critique submissions, or our first draft manuscripts

S – speaking opportunities in our church, at conferences, or in private conversations

T – the testimony we have of the change Jesus brought to us and can bring to others



W – words given to us by the Living Word to glorify Him

X –  eXamining ourselves to remain true to Christ and our calling as we write.


Z – Zoom meetings that enabled us to stay connected during times of isolation

I intentionally left a few letters blank.
What can you add to this writing life list to fill in the blanks?

9 thoughts on “The ABCs of Thankfulness in our Writing Life

  1. U- Understanding what the market is looking for and what we can provide.
    V-Victory in Christ– whether we are published or not!

    I love this list, Ava!

  2. Ava, thank you for sharing this wonderful list. I’d like to add a few thoughts.
    K- Knowing Christ and writing to glorify Him.
    L- Learning to wait on the Lord and let Him guide me as I write
    O- Overcoming fear of failure and rejection

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