Whatever your situation, Write2Ignite has an app for that!

Many of us love our phone cameras, but how adept are we at getting the best shots?

Rank novice?

Learn how to get the shots right  side up!

  Selfies spoiled?

Get tips on the best perspective!

Seeing the bigger picture?

Get professional recommendations for new goals!

Still finding your settings, need more light?

Practice makes perfect at workshop sessions!

Something holding you back?

Find inspiration for success, and encourage those who aren’t quite ready to advance!

Need peer contacts for critiques and pep talks?

Connect with others for fun, fellowship, and common interests!

Short on time?

Friday afternoon and evening, Saturday 8:15 – 5, one short part of a weekend to take time for yourself, cultivating your interests, talents, and creativity, mastering new skills, meeting new people, and taking steps toward the vision of excellence you’ve imagined.

Pack your bag, get a sitter, trade shifts, work out details, and join those making their way to  W2I tomorrow ! Need more information? https://write2ignite.com/registration-2019/


Contact Cathy John Biggerstaff, Registrar: hiskid410@gmail.com with questions about pro-rated fees for partial attendance. Don’t delay!


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