Writing Resolutions for 2018

Have you made personal new year’s resolutions for this year? If you did, now that we’re two weeks into 2018, how many resolutions have you kept?

Have you set any new year’s resolutions for your writing? It’s not too late. Here are a few resolutions for you to consider:



Of course you’d expect prayer to show up on any “Christian” list of things to do, but prayer is more than something we do, it’s the basis for how we approach life. Still, when you pray writing-related prayers, what do you actually pray for? Check out this post for new ideas on how to pray for your writing.

Set goals

Yogi Berra once said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll wind up somewhere else.” Where do you want to go in your writing this year? Do you want to complete and submit a magazine article? Finish a book? Learn rhythm and rhyme? Set a goal and work toward it. December 31, 2018 will be here faster than you think!

Learn something new about your writing craft each week

Subscribe to writing blogs or newsletters. Read books on writing. Learn about your target audience—their values, culture, likes and dislikes. Whether you write fiction or non-fiction, learn nuances of your craft. A good writer never stops learning. Which leads us to another possible resolution…

Attend at least one writers’ conference

Don’t wait until you need an agent or acquisitions editor before you attend a writers’ conference. The workshops and continuing classes provide copious amounts of information to help you develop as a writer. Just as important, attending conferences provides opportunities to network with other writers and publishing professionals.

Purpose to write for at least one hour each day

I’ve yet to meet a writer who says she has more than enough time to write as she balances her other responsibilities. It’s up to us to make time to write. Get up an hour earlier. Or schedule time to write the way you would schedule other important appointments. If you can’t find an hour, carve a half hour. Whatever you do, be consistent.

Join a critique group

It’s a big step to let someone else read your writing. It’s a bigger step to allow them to critique your writing. As writers, we need to develop a thick skin and a willingness to apply constructive criticism. You can find writers groups through your local library, writers’ associations, and Word Weavers International.

A new year stretches out before us. Twelve months from now, what will you have accomplished?

3 thoughts on “Writing Resolutions for 2018

  1. I do have some goals for this year. 2017 was complicated, and we lost my dad unexpectedly in October from an aggressive form of Lymphoma B. He was only sick for 5 weeks and I took care of him until the end. I’m behind on my goals because of that, but now Mom is settled in an assisted living apartment and the holidays are done, I’m ready to continue.

    I’ll be releasing Willoughby and Friends second book in March, so I’ll be planning a FB party and a dragon party in my hometown. I have a YA novel releasing in August through a small traditional house, so there’s editing to do for that as well as planning the release party. And I’m working on the prequel for that novel, so I just worked out a plan of action with my mentor. My goal is to have a finished and mostly polished draft of that to show my editor at Realm Makers in July. I already have a good start on the writing.

    I’m excited to see what God will do with my writing in 2018!

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