Elephants and Writing for Kids

I have a pet elephant. It all started out with a dream. I’ve always wanted a pet elephant. I dreamed about the days I could take my grandkids for a ride! I looked forward to taking the neighborhood kids for a ramble down the street on its back. I imagined summer days with water squirting, … More Elephants and Writing for Kids

Amazing Hack for Writing the Setting of a Story

There’s no way around it. Writing a children’s novel takes time. I know writer friends and writing challenges that boast they can whip out a picture book in one day. Not so with a children’s novel. The setting of the story. The plot. The characters. The shortest time frame most people can claim for writing … More Amazing Hack for Writing the Setting of a Story


As children’s writers, we all know the importance of choosing the right word to use. Shakespeare has a famous quote “What’s in a name? that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” That philosophy might work in Romeo and Juliet’s situation but not for ours. In a nonfiction book … More THE WORDS WE CHOOSE TO USE