Nothing is Hidden by Mindy Baker

Writing is a solitary activity. Crafting words on the page can be a painstaking process, and one that requires a huge time and energy commitment. Anyone besides me sometimes wonder if all the effort matters?  Recently God encouraged me with this verse in Hebrews 4:13, “Nothing is hidden from God’s sight.” I know the passage … More Nothing is Hidden by Mindy Baker

Hold On! Don’t Give Up!

The craft of writing isn’t easy. Sure, we may get that moment of inspiration where the words just flow out of our head and heart and down onto the page, but overall it requires much work and a lot of time to develop a story from beginning to end. And then it sometimes involves a … More Hold On! Don’t Give Up!

3 Tips for Restoring Broken Writing Goals by Karley Conklin

“I ask again, ‘What are your Writing Goals?’ Now sit down and write them out and put them where you can see them every day,”  (Lynette Hall Hampton, Writer to Writer, pp. 9) In the sum of the writing resources I’ve read, the importance of setting writing goals is a common theme. Advice for would-be … More 3 Tips for Restoring Broken Writing Goals by Karley Conklin

Plan to Persevere

One of my favorite stories to listen to as a child was, The Little Engine That Could. The voice of the little blue engine who took on the insurmountable challenge of bringing toys, dolls, and “good things to eat to the good boys and girls on the other side of the mountain,” still echoes in … More Plan to Persevere