Quirky Critters: A Devotional Review by Guest Blogger, Rachel Greene

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. 

Psalm 19:1


Annette Whipple certainly demonstrates this Bible verse in new devotional book for children.

Annette, one of Write2Ignite’s former Master Class instructors, is a Pennsylvania author with a fun style. She brings animals into the story of how God loves people and how He wants Christians to conduct themselves. This is not her first trip to the zoo. She is the author of the Truth About series, including Whooo Knew? The Truth About OwlsShe has also published works in the historical realm: The Laura Ingalls Wilder Companion: A Chapter-by-Chapter Guide and The Story of the Wright BrothersYou can find her and her works at AnnetteWhipple.com and WilderCompanion.com.

Quirky Critter Devotions (Tyndale Kids, 2024) is a great read for kids and is still fun for the adults reading to little ones who still need help I loved reading it. Trust me. I’m way outside the age range.

With each of the 52 devotions there is a brief writing exercise, a prayer, and a verse. The verses are quite short. If you’re looking for a way to introduce memory verses into your little one’s daily routine, these would certainly be effective. The verses Annette has selected are really well matched to the fun facts she teaches.

Annette’s faith is evident in the way that she draws out the lessons from animals. One animal was the Marine Iguana, which listens to the calls of birds to identify danger. The lesson is to listen to wise counsel from godly people and their warnings when we err. (Proverbs 19:20). I love a good proverb. 

Annette also leaves plenty of room for kids to use their own creativity with drawing, research, and craft activities. The activities are simple enough for very little ones to participate in. She uses the opportunity to teach how to conduct proper research. The activities encourage talking to and learning from Christian adults. My personal favorite of the activities was inspired by the dance of the European Starlings. The photos and cartoons are vivid and compile a neat platform to spark the imagination of animal lovers.

The seven sections focus on different groups; including basic and “quirky” facts. She uses habitats, behaviors, and unique physical characteristics to draw lessons about God and His will from the nature He designed with such great wisdom: Proverbs 8:27a, 30. I (wisdom) was there when He set the heavens in place… I was constantly by his side, I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in His presence.”


Annette uses the love of nature to create and build an accessible tool to share the gospel with children. She has even broken it down and is offering these printable question cards built from the book. These cards are a great supplement if you’re home-schooling and want to have an easy springboard into animal sciences, or if you wanted to include them in your Sunday school and send your kiddos home with weekly devotions. 

Carol Baldwin shares Quirky Critters with three of her grandkids–with a variety of reactions!


If you want to win this book, leave a comment; U.S. addresses only. The giveaway ends May 2.


I am from the great outdoors of Idaho. I have written and read fiction and fantasy stories since I was 13. I love drawing inspiration from creation; and the more time I can spend in the woods, the better.

5 thoughts on “Quirky Critters: A Devotional Review by Guest Blogger, Rachel Greene

  1. What a grand project. I love it. I’m currently using a devotional – also by Tyndale – aged for middle school kids. Also well done. And now…. gosh…. I have to try this one as well. Good job, Annette Whipple. And thanks for the review, Rachel.

  2. I have a copy of Quirky Critters as well as several other books by Annette. I love them. You did a great job reviewing the book, Rachel!

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