A Community for You by Amy Earls: Author and Master Class Instructor


Writer, you are not alone. I have been where you are now–the passion to write but not knowing where to begin, or how to continue, or if the pages you labored countless hours over are valuable to anyone besides your mother and dog. 

My name is Amy. I have been a writer since seven-years-old and a published author since the release of my first book in June of 2023, yet I’ve considered myself an author for much longer. It started with an idea in 2017, followed by my first finished manuscript, my first professional edit, manuscript re-writes, dozens of edits, attending conferences, taking classes, marketing, podcasting, self-publishing, teaching at conferences, publishing my first book, THE KING’S FEATHER, and (most recently) publishing my second book, THE FORBIDDEN REIGN in January of this year. Whew! I’m far from done on this journey that started with an idea. Sorry to tell you that you’re also far from done. Before my words leave you disheartened and you decide to give up this writing thing, remember what I said at the beginning.

Writer, you are not alone.

When I first wrote a novel, my target audience was the general market, but I couldn’t get God out of my mind as the hero of my stories. So, I made His voice one of the loudest while still structuring my plot to match the general market YA books I loved to read. As a result of studying and applying the structure of best-selling YA fantasy, my story appealed to Christian and non-Christian readers. In a professional review of my first novel, The King’s Feather, Asher Syed said, “The skill of a Christian author really shines through when they are able to convey a message through character action, emotion, and exceptionally well-implemented symbolism instead of outright telling us. Lately, I’ve only found the heavy-handed latter but Earls changed that streak, and I’m blissfully happy for it” (Readers’ Favorite, 2023). By blending the plot structure that YA fantasy fans love with Biblical principles and stories, I contributed to a void in the Christian publishing industry today. Most Christian YA books either lean heavily on tropes that emphasize a Christian life, or the lack of Christian values all together leave the reader questioning why the author didn’t pursue the general market. While I value Christian books within these two prototypes, I hope to see an increased combination of general YA fantasy and faith elements. Christian teen readers crave faith-filled books that resemble what they’re reading in public schools, and based on my experience, non-religious readers are open to books that include faith components.

The purpose of the three workshops I’ll be teaching at Write2Ignite’s spring Master Class is to show you how to write a young adult fantasy that readers can’t put down and weaves in spiritual truths. In the first class, we will dive into building a fantasy world, including tools for creating a setting and characters. The second class focuses on plotting young adult fantasy where we will identify types of writers, narrow down reader expectations, and learn about a secret formula for structuring a best-selling plot. The final class is about crafting young adult fantasy, and, yes, we will have a chance to write. We will discuss YA tones, incorporating faith themes, and addressing real-world issues.

Whether you’ve thought about writing YA fantasy or are in the middle of your tenth draft, join me for an incredible time of interacting with fellow writers, honing your skills, and learning what’s ahead as a first-time YA fantasy author. 

Writer, here is your community. I look forward to meeting you at the Write2Ignite virtual conference on April 13th.

Sign up now.


Amy is providing several copies of her books as door prizes at the Master Class.

THE KINGS’ FEATHER— an audiobook, an ebook and one paperback.

THE FORBIDDEN REIGN- An ebook and a paperback.

Best-selling author Amy Earls writes young adult fiction that explores intersections between life issues and faith. An advisor of first-year college students, she holds a master’s degree in education for adult learners, with an emphasis on writing. Amy lives in Oregon’s Willamette Valley with her husband, daughters, and a never-dying goldfish. Learn more about Amy, her virtual letters, and free offers at amyearls.com. Sign up for her newsletter and follow her on:




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