Critique Partners- Honey for Your Soul by Mindy Baker

If you’ve been in the writing business for any length of time, you know how valuable a critique partner is. The Bible says in Proverbs 16:24, “Kind words are like honey—sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” I have found that my critique partners are the honey my writer’s soul needs. They keep me healthy!

 If you do an Internet search you will find articles and images that list the benefits of honey. I found this article that listed ten benefits of honey. I am using four of them to draw comparisons to the value and benefits of a critique partner.

Honey/An Amazing Critique Partner

  • Boosts immunity and heart health—The encouragement of a critique partner can boost your immunity to the criticism of others, destructive self-talk and a negative mindset.
  • Improves digestion – A critique partner helps you digest all of the lessons and head knowledge you have about the craft of writing and helps you apply it to your creative projects.
  • Provides energy – When you feel like quitting, a critique partner spurs you on. Their kind words give you energy to keep trying. Plus, reading their work is motivating!
  • Promotes wound healing – Let’s face it, receiving multiple rejections (which we all do) wounds the soul. Writers need someone to listen, encourage, help their wounds to heal and get back out there.

While it is true that allowing someone to review your work requires an incredible amount of vulnerability, when you find a person who takes the time to offer valuable insights and feedback on your work, you will be amazed at how your writing skills will be both strengthened and sharpened. You will also come to realize how “sweet to the soul” that person is!  

Do You Have a Critique Partner?

  • If not, pray about who you could ask to collaborate with you. Make it a goal to seek out someone in the next month.
  • If you have some critique partners, take a moment to tell them how much you appreciate them.
  • If you have attended a Write2Ignite Master Class, you are eligible to join one of our critique groups. Click on the link to find out more.

Mindy Baker resides in Indiana where she is a high school Spanish teacher. She is the author of Mouse’s Christmas Gift, Zonderkidz 2018, and has contributions in several 2023 and 2024 Guideposts publications. She recently signed a contract with Chicken Scratch Books for a middle grade novel to be published in the summer of 2025. You can connect online with Mindy here. She also has a mini-magazine for parents, grandparents, and other caregivers of children. You can sign up to receive it here

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